Hearing Aid Accessories
Beltone Apps
Control your hearing aids with Beltone apps.
Beltone Apps let you control your wireless-enabled hearing aids and much more.
The Beltone HearMax app is the most advanced control app for hearing aids. It connects your Beltone Trust, Beltone Boost Max and Beltone Amaze hearing aids to your iPhone®, Apple Watch® or Android™ phone for an easy and discreet way to control your hearing aids. With a new, sleek and intuitive design that features one-tap access to the most popular features, it’s a great way to enhance your Beltone hearing aid experience. Download it for free from the App Store or Google Play today.
Distract your brain from focusing on your tinnitus with the help of Beltone’s Tinnitus Calmer app. Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Android devices, the app offers a combination of Sound Therapy and relaxing exercises which can help provide relief from tinnitus.

Wireless Accessories
Beltone Direct Line wireless accessories make it easier for you to engage and interact in any hearing situation and link to the world around you. Whether you are watching television, following a conversation at a distance or talking on the phone, there is a wireless accessory that can help you hear even better
With the Phone Link 2 you can hear the phone ring directly in your hearing aids and speak hands-free, even when your phone is put away in a pocket or a handbag. The Phone Link 2 also serves as a remote control to adjust hearing aid volume or change your environmental programs whether or not you are on the phone. And the Beltone SmartRemote app works with the Phone Link 2 to turn an iPhone® or Android™ phone into a discreet, full-functioning remote control.
Beltone Remote Control 2
The intuitive Beltone Remote Control 2 makes hearing simple. You can adjust the volume in one or both hearing aids, change programs, or easily switch between sound streamed from your TV, radio, myPAL or PC. You can even adjust the balance between the sounds around you and the streaming audio to make sure you hear everything you want. And the large LCD display shows your programs, volume and battery level at a glance.
With the Beltone Line TV Link 2, you’ll enjoy clear sound from your TV or any other audio device – at your own preferred volume – while still being able to participate in conversations around you. It connects directly to virtually any audio device: TVs, stereos or computers, and delivers entertainment directly to your hearing aids.
Choosing how you hear has never been easier. With the Beltone Remote Control, you can discreetly adjust the volume of your hearing aids and change programs without even looking. The accessory is super tactile, so you can feel your way easily and make changes with just one touch. Make changes discreetly or out in the open – either way you’re in control.
Beltone myPAL Micro and Pro
Non-face-to-face communication can be a challenge for everyone – hearing aids or not. The Beltone myPAL is a small portable microphone you hand over to the person you want to hear. It captures the sound clearly, even in noisy environments, and streams it directly into your hearing aids, bringing the conversation or entertainment closer to you.